Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Back in Tooting and a happy coincidence

In Tooting to look at a new gallery on Furzedown Road (possible venue for our Stitch embroidery?) And call into the Furzedown Project. It is the weekly sewing class! Do not - yet - know the names of the women who embroidered these wonderfully lively pieces. But will do soon as some of them will be joining our Stitch classes starting on the 21st....

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A plastic lace bag

Designed by my daughter's friend, Molly.Made from a plastic tablecloth.
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Saturday, 26 June 2010

On the third floor at Liberty's

A scarlet stitched sketch of a woman brushing her hair...
Orange running stitch haphazardly bordering strips of fabric in a quilt....
Inspiring ribbon...
A Stella McCartney sequinned jacket (thought about our UK embroidered collection with RCKC!) With a four-figure price tag...
And ribbon and applique on a Fendi dress.
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Sunday, 20 June 2010

The Coral Reef

At Tate Britain - The Coral Reef by Mike Nelson. One of the best things I've seen for ages. Extraordinary that it seems a commentary on Islam in the post 9-11 world. Yet it was created in 2000.
Must be seen to be believed. My photos, of course, don't do it justice.
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Saturday, 19 June 2010

Embroidered elephant in Selfridges

Have been meaning to get to Selfridges for ages to see the embroidered elephant mentioned by Nilesh Mistry. It doesn't disappoint ...
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Friday, 18 June 2010

Tooting embroidery places snapped up

A quick update to say that all places on the embroidery course at the Furzedown Project, Tooting, have been snapped up. It has proved very popular.... However there will be other opportunities later in the year. One way of keeping up to date is by signing up to the Bridging Arts newsletter via the Contact us page on the website.
Otherwise, please watch this space....

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Embroidery kits for the Asian Women's Resource Centre

Meherum Ahmed very kindly arranges for me to drop into the Thursday morning Yoga class at the Asian Women's Resource Centre, Harlesden. Am keen to let women at the Centre know about our planned catwalk collection, in collaboration with sari retailer RCKC. Lots say they are interested but haven't done embroidery for a while and don't have the wherewithal to create a sample.
So put together some very simple kits in the office and bike them over later.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

A hot day in Wandsworth and new plans

A meeting at the Islamic School in Tooting, south London. We discuss plans for the embroidery classes at the Furzedown Project, starting in July.... And meet with an enthusiastic response!  A good start to the morning. 
Then over to Mantle Court in Wandsworth, to see friends at the Asian Women's Association. 
Am very lucky to be invited to lunch.
Spinach, black beans and halva. 
 And a wonderful surprise from Zubaidah Shah, who has embroidered two more, exquisite, swatches for the Stitch Roadshow. She is 83.  The day ends with some very good news. We hear that we have been part-funded by Hammersmith and Fulham Fast Track Grants to run a short series of embroidery events and a tea party in a local residential home.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

A rave review for Dillington House

A blog reader is just back from a weekend at Dillington House . She did a whitework embroidery course and loved it.
"I can heartily recommend the place, super food, lovely house and grounds, like staying in a stately home!   I have just booked on another course on goldwork embroidery in September, can't wait."
Sounds very interesting.  Am passing on the news just in case anyone else is interested.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Jane Austen and embroidery ...

Whizzing through Sense and Sensibility on a sunny weekend in Cornwall. A lot of sewing and embroidery. Had forgotten how incisive, if not caustic, Jane Austen can be. Our heroines arrive in London and are immediately

"put in possession of a very comfortable apartment. It had formerly been Charlotte's and over the mantelpiece still hung a landscape in coloured silks of her performance, in proof of her having spent seven years at a great school in town to some effect."

And later, an intriguing present is given to each of the two Miss Steeles by the unappealing Mrs Dashwood ...
"a needle book, made by some emigrant". 

Will have to find out more. (Picture: The Linley Sisters by Thomas Gainsborough)

Friday, 11 June 2010

Stitch embroidery pack course - places available this July

Just announced - details of the course we'll be running this July around our Stitch embroidery packs. The classes will be completely free. They will be at the 91/93 Furzedown Project, Moyser Road, London SW16 6SJ. A few places are available - please email if you would like to book. BOoking is essential.
They will be from 2-4pm on
21 July
28 July
4 August
11 August
18 August
25 August
At three of the sessions, there will be tutors from the Royal School of Needlework teaching
- surface stitches
- blackwork
- goldwork.
At the other three sessions, the work will be followed up by a class co-ordinator, with volunteers, and information given about the background to the stitches.
Packs for the three sessions will be free and places, of course, will be limited. At the first session, therefore, we are asking people for a small deposit (£10) showing that they do intend to complete the course. That £10 will be refunded on completion of five of the sessions.

Friday, 4 June 2010

A team for the new catwalk collection

A meeting in Wembly with Amit Rastogi of RCKC and Jessica Aldred of the RSN ... We're putting together a team of embroiderers to create the new catwalk collection (designed in India, embroidered here - complete reversal of the usual process...).
So - if you are interested - the first step is to submit a sample of your work for Amit to look at. He asks for anything that you think might be relevant. Please send it to Susan Roberts, c/o Bridging Arts by 21st June -
Bridging Arts
370-376 Uxbridge Road
London W12 7LL
Please enclose return postage to ensure it can be posted back to you - I am not sure how much more registered post is, but it is probably worth it.
All very exciting! Amit will look at all samples submitted in the following week and put together a team...