Bridging Arts

Friday, 27 August 2010

Hafez poetry reading at the National Portrait Gallery

Funnily enough - after our class at the Furzedown Project last week - the name of the Persian poet we discussed cropped up just a day later. I picked up the autumn Events schedule from the National Portrait gallery and saw that there is an evening of readings by Hafez on 7 October at 7pm (entry £5). "... the popular 14th century Persian poet Hafez, known and loved for his power to mix lyrical themes with political commentary", says the programme.
I attempted to read a poem by Hafez about a nightingale last week at the Furzedown class. We were working on our Rose and Nightingale crewelwork pack.  No doubt we will return to him when the Stitch Roadshow moves to Harlesden this autumn (see my previous post).