As previously mentioned, Glynn Christian, the UK’s first TV chef, is a keen embroiderer and brought in his collection of landscapes to one of the classes. Following our discussion on cooking, inspired by the fish motif studied in week two, he offered the following recipe for general Christmas enjoyment.
This truly delicious and attractive relish, originally from New England in the USA, is easier made with a food processor but a sharp and heavy chopping knife and a few minutes will give equally good results. Once made it softens, turns a pretty pink and the flavours all exchange to produce something original and fresh tasting. Cranberries have a very high Vitamin C content, and it is this that gives the relish its very long life. I find it is a much appreciated Christmas gift and as well as being served with turkey or other birds it really brings leftovers to life.
The recipe is excellent what ever the proportions you use, so do not hassle about exact amounts. It is better to err on the side of making the chopped pieces too big rather than too small: it will mean only that the relish takes a little more time to soften and mature, and it looks better than when too finely chopped.
Wash a large sweet orange and a small lemon, cut into quarters and then remove any pips. Core but do not peel a large, sharp apple - a Bramley is ideal, of course. Process the orange and lemon in a food processor until rough and finely chopped but not a puree - you might have to do this in two or three batches. Remove the mixture and then roughly chop the apple in the processor, again staying well away from making a puree. Mix the apple into the citrus mixture. Then process 8oz/ 250g or so of fresh of frozen whole cranberries until the cranberries are all cut up but still in varying sizes. Mix everything together and then add 4oz/ 100 - 125g of sugar - white or brown.
Cover and leave at room temperature for 24 hours by which time everything will have begun to soften, and then give it a good mix and taste - it might need more sugar. Store in refrigerator at least a week before using - longer is better.
Variations: add 50g/2oz of finely chopped celery including some leaves OR 4oz/ 125g chopped fresh pineapple OR 4oz/125g well-roasted pecans, roughly chopped. Two or three tablespoons of vodka, gin, cognac or port make a great addition too - as you might imagine. Small amounts of any or all of these additions might be added every time you serve some of the relish.