It is a beautiful day. Decide to make the most of sitting in traffic and try to put the roof down on my elderly car. But it jams.
Discussion at lunch over the cauliflower curry. The potato has been left out in a gesture towards healthy eating. Carrot halva less healthy but delicious.
We discuss taking classes to the mosque in Morden, attended by many of the women. We wonder who else we could invite. Call Suraya Sadiq, who organises many activities at the mosque, and plan a meeting for tomorrow.
Good to meet Maureen Docherty who is at the AWG recording oral histories. She works for Wandsworth Libraries and Heritage. There is a move afoot in the Borough to record stories from as wide a selection of residents as possible. She has started by asking the women in the AWG to place a red topped pin on a map, to show where they were born. A cluster in Pakistan, and one or two in east Africa.