Bridging Arts

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Reviewing the summer

An Indian summer in London - fabulous warm sunshine. Tidying up photos in the camera - find a catalogue of pattern and place over the summer months. Starting with a trip to Oropesa de Toledo, central Spain, in late June with my daughter. It was VERY hot (close to 40 degrees some days) and on our last Sunday, it was a Saint's Day. The heat did not deter anyone.
It was a return to the start of the embroidery project - Oropesa de Toledo was a starting point in 2008. From there my great friend Marcy Frosh and I discovered the neighbouring village of Lagartera and its extraordinary tablecloths and embroidery. The tablecloths (like other needlework there) have traditional, geometric, embroidered patterns, a legacy of Moorish occupation many centuries ago.
And the idea of an embroidery project somehow capturing a sense of place was born.
Here tablecloths from Lagartera were hung from windows and balconies to welcome the Madonna, paraded around the streets. Some people created shrines with ferns, fabric and carpets...