Wednesday, 18 November 2009

A recipe for rice pudding

Talk to Ferdous Rahman of Restart 50+ about arrangements for 2nd December 09 (an embroidery demonstration by Maureen Markham, a specialist in beading and embellishment who trained with Norman Hartnell and worked on many of the Queen's dresses. Watch this space for further details...)
And in the course of conversation she gives me her recipe for rice pudding, made for the Eid party (29 September 09....)
Slow method:
1. Boil basmati rice in milk.
2. When very soft, add one tin of Carnation evaporated milk.
3. Add seeds of one or two cardamons. Plus one or two sticks of cinnamon and one tablespoon of rose water. Sultanas, pistachios and almonds can also be added, to taste.
Quick method:
Use two tins of Ambrosia tinned rice and 1 tin of evaporated milk.

One of the sewing packs looks at food and recipes.