Our final class of four at York Gardens Library. We study a Turkish rococo motif of a Horn of Plenty. Faduma Abdullahi is wearing a gold embroidered dress (with chain stitch), bought in Mogadishu some years ago. We learn goldwork techniques seen in church embroidery from the Middle Ages in this country.
And still more enthusiasm.
A subversive stitcher (who prefers not to be named) has done an individual take on two of the motifs, changing the colours of the fish motif and adding satin stitch .... and abandoning crewel work on the rose and nightingale. The only woolwork to be seen on this embroidery is the nightingale's tail.
Two more women bring in their work with fabric...
Joyce Bascoe has brought in a quilt she has been working on for the past seven months...
And Elaine Lo her silk