An enthusiastic group of Somalian mothers attend the class (we are very fortunate to have funding from Wandsworth Council to pay for creche places) and inspired by the class last week Fartun Abdulle found time between looking after her young children to embroider an extra
fish at home in her spare time. She changed the colours from the brilliant oranges and reds of the pack to green. Why green? “Because the colours of the old fish (oranges and reds) don’t reflect
me," she said. She went to Fulham market to buy the green embroidery threads.
Kathleen Oyediran brought in two more tablecloths , embroidered before she was married 40 years ago. These are ones that she finished! And now often uses. The colours and the designs (ordered from magazines as was popular at the time) recall the tones and herbaceous borders of another age, pale mauves, daisy yellows and pinks. She was living in north Yorkshire and working for the local authority, embroidering in the evenings and at weekends. Her mother taught her the stitches.