Wednesday, 9 December 2009

News from a visitor

Feedback from a visitor to York Gardens Library -
"I enjoyed the exhibition, especially the wonderful feel for colour and how it lit up the dull December afternoon. Highlights for me were Ferdous Rahman's embroidery. The colours reminded me of Thomas Wardle's dyed Indian tussar silks and the Leek Embroidery Society's work which used his silks. Safia Qureshi's motifs of seed pods reminded me of British 'bizarre' silks like one of those that we saw in the British Galleries. I loved the colours of Chhaya Biswas's daffodils and the story. The way that Amina Aziz's embroidery burst through the boundaries was wonderful too. It was moving in places including Bushra's story. I am so glad that I went."
Such interesting comments! Will follow up these links ....Pictured: Daffodils by Chhaya Biswas